Hi friend! If you thought keeping up with a busy mom's life was a marathon, you won't believe the race I'm setting for myself this year. In this special "24 in '24" episode, we’re diving into my colorful tapestry of goals I'm aiming for before I hit the big 4-0 in December. (Click HERE to listen now!)

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And guess what? I’m trusting you to hold me accountable and maybe even inspire you to create your own joy-filled list. Let’s unwrap this treasure chest of aspirations together!✨

As many of you smart cookies know, New Year's resolutions can be a one-way ticket to disappointment. That's why I've crafted my 24 in '24 – twenty-four heartfelt, fun, and ambitious endeavors to sprinkle across my year. (If you missed my 23 in '23, go check out episode 47!) We're talking connections, self-care, family fun, and Secret Mom Hacks galore!

Prefer to listen to this episode on YouTube?

For starters, I aimed to score ten voiceover gigs last year, but let's face it, my heart's beating hardest for this podcast. So, we're reeling it back to five carefully chosen VO opportunities. On the flip side, our podcast baby is growing, and the next big milestone? One thousand monthly downloads. Talk about an exciting challenge!

Next up, networking – the fuel that keeps our inspirational fires burning. I'm committed to checking out three podcast and/or voiceover meetups to connect with more folks in my industry. And what's a hustle without the hush? Bath bomb-making sessions and a rage room experience are on my list for those moments when only fizz and fury will do. 😜

Game nights are penciled in for some giggle-filled Farkel and Balderdash throwdowns with friends and family. And you better believe I’m committed to stretching out these beat-up mom muscles to conquer a marathon before my next birthday bash. 🎂

Rekindling friendships takes more than a like or a double tap. I’m plotting a course to visit my out-of-town friends sprinkled across the map. There's something special about those face-to-face catch-ups, you know? 👯

And let's not forget about education and empowerment. With my five-year-old, we're loving the dynamic duo of Hooked on Phonics and Hooked on Math, so we're committing at least 20 minutes five times a week to these "hooked" apps. I've found any time we can "gamify" learning, it makes the process much easier and more effective. We'll be diving into books while laughing our way through learning! 📚

As for the podcast, not only am I planning a whirlwind media tour but also brainstorming ideas to celebrate our one-year anniversary. Imagine, one trip around the sun filled with Secret Mom Hacks. I can't believe we're already closing in on a year on March 1! 🎉

Bringing it back home, I envision a mom's shindig to swap stories and support, plus a neighborly potluck to nourish the body and soul. Oh, and those bare walls upstairs and the photo-less stairway? They're going to sing with memories – captured in frames and infused with love.

Listen to this episode on YouTube.

I’m also eyeing podcast guest invitations to my Dream 100 list, a nature-filled family camping trip, and a dash to the finish line in several races. I'm also excited to lend a hand to a local nonprofit or two that serve families and other moms.

That's just a taste of my 24 in '24. Give the episode a listen to get the full scoop! It’s more than a list - it’s a mosaic of memories waiting to be created.

And you, my dear listener, are part of this journey. So, tell me, what's on your 24 in '24?

Remember: It's not just about chasing dreams; it's about living them, one hack at a time.

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Let's make this year one for the books! See you next week, friend!


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