Hello and happy December y'all!!

It's been a very busy week in our household as we've decked our halls and celebrated going into the last year of my thirties! (GULP!)

Since we have just a few weeks left of 2023, I'm feeling reflective and thought this was a good time to look back at my first year of motherhood and all the things I wish I knew! This week's episode is all about surviving and thriving in that first year of #momlife. [Listen now HERE!] 

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Motherhood is a wild, beautiful rollercoaster and it's filled with moments that might have you pondering if coffee could, in fact, be a suitable meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Let's dive into some of the things I covered in today's show that might just help you navigate this beautiful, chaotic terrain of the first year of becoming a parent.

We kicked off the episode by delving into my own journey into motherhood - mismatched socks and Cinderella-worthy caffeine fixes included, of course. Amidst the chaos, there were those tiny, beautiful moments that lit up my world. I believe that's what makes this journey so uniquely incredible - it's messy, unpredictable, and most importantly, it's yours. So, let's remember - it's okay not to have everything figured out. Embracing the uncertainty is where the magic really happens.

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Now, on to an absolute non-negotiable - self-care. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it's a necessity - just like recharging your phone every night! Whether it's a bubble bath, a short walk, or a moment to dive into the pages of a good book, those intentional moments of joy and replenishment are just as important as caring for your little one.

The power of a solid support network is something we can't overlook either. Remember, raising a child truly takes a village, and your friends and family are MVPs on this journey. And for those mamas without family nearby, there are options. Drop-in childcare centers are available in many communities, so hop online to find the one nearest you!

Partnership communication is key - they might not instinctively know what you need, so don't be afraid to open up and express your needs. And let's address something that many moms find challenging - asking for help. It was tough for me too, but as I've learned, it's actually a demonstration of strength, not weakness.
Oh, and let's not forget about the pressure to be the "perfect mom." Spoiler alert - perfection is overrated. There's no playbook, no rulebook, no foolproof guide to being the perfect mom. What there is, however, is you - unique, imperfect, and perfectly capable.

Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify.

Did someone say celebrating victories? Heck yes! Whether it's finishing a hot cup of coffee, witnessing your little one take some wobbly steps, or reflecting on your own personal growth, every triumph is a reason to celebrate!

And then there's the beauty in chaos. This is where we find those unexpectedly beautiful moments, like dancing with our little ones in the middle of what seems like a whirlwind of toys and baby gear.

I want to leave you with this today - you are not alone on this journey. Every mom is navigating her unique path, facing challenges, and finding joy in unexpected places. The first year is not just about survival; it's about thriving, growing, and embracing the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

So, to all the incredible mamas out there, keep thriving, keep growing, and most importantly, keep being the unique, resilient, and perfectly imperfect mama that you are.

You are doing an amazing job, and the best is yet to come.

Catch today's full episode HERE now!

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Thank you for spending this time with me this week, and remember, you've got this! See you next week! 🤗


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